All the books I read and loved in the first quarter of 2024

Books I read and loved in 1st Quarter 2024

There have been so many great books coming out recently and my “to-read” list is exploding. These are the books I read and loved in January, February and March this year.

The 15 books I read in January, February & March this year

Good Material – by Dolly Alderton

This is a story about the pain of growing up to be a well-adjusted adult who has life worked out. Dolly Alderton writes in a very real and relatable way that takes you on a journey with her main character, Andy, whose life seems to be derailing. Not only is Andy going through a relationship breakup and experiencing heartbreak, but he’s struggling with his friend group, a floundering career as a standup comedian and an overall sense of failure. Don’t let all of this put you off reading this book because you will be pleasantly surprised by how this author draws you into Andy’s world and his emotions. When I finished this novel, I was a Dolly Alderton fan. My rating is 4/5.

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Lola in the Mirror – by Trent Dalton

This is the latest book from the bestselling author of Boy Swallows World, Trent Dalton. It’s my first time reading one of Trent Dalton’s books and I enjoyed it immensely. This is the story of a girl and her mother who are homeless and have been on the run for 16 years from the police, and “a monster they left in the kitchen with a knife in his throat”.

The girl does not know her name (it would be too dangerous if that information got out) but she has a dream of a bigger life. With certain events occurring, and her getting older, changes seem inevitable and she starts on a journey that will change her life. This story was riveting and I couldn’t put it down. Who is Lola in the mirror? Oh, and this book also has the most enthralling drawings in it which is a great bonus. My rating is 5/5.

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Lady Tan’s Circle of Women – by Lisa See

The true story of a woman physician from 15th-century China inspired this historical novel. Ooh, I love a good historical novel. Tan Yunxian is born into an elite family but suffers much sadness before being sent to live with her grandparents. Her grandmother is one of only a very few female doctors in China and she teaches Yunxian about Chinese medicine. Yunxian specifically learns about women’s illnesses, many of which relate to childbearing. She trains alongside Meiling, a midwife-in-training, and the two become firm friends.

This epic tale follows the life of Yunxian as she embarks on an arranged marriage, has children of her own and becomes a ‘proper wife’. Her mother-in-law forbids her to maintain her friendship with Meiling and continue with her medical work, but life has other ideas. I was captivated by the world that Lisa See described in this book and loved to discover how women helped women during the Ming dynasty era. I was constantly wowed by the resilience of the women at that time and the medical practices they used. Fascinating book. My rating is 5/5.

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Yellowface – by R.F. Kuang

To be honest, I put off reading this book despite all the hoopla surrounding it. The whole premise of stealing another writer’s work didn’t sit right with me. And even as I read it, I found myself disliking the main character so much! But I will say, I’m glad I read it because it was well-written and presented all sides of the conundrum extremely honestly. R.F. Kuang did not shy away from some difficult subjects. Yellowface is about jealousy, racism and cultural appropriation. It also scrutinises social media and the publishing industry and I learnt so much. My rating is 4/5.

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Related: All the good books I read in November & December 2023


Lease on Love – by Falon Ballard

And then I felt like I needed something more light-hearted so I read Lease on Love. And it was a very readable and sweet little story. After being passed up for a promotion she desperately needs, Sadie Green drowns her sorrows with a few drinks, mistakenly mixes up a roommate app with a dating app – and meets Jack Thomas. Confusion follows but as time goes by, it becomes clear that things are exactly as they’re supposed to be. Cute read. My rating is 3/5.

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The Family Remains – by Lisa Jewell

This is the standalone sequel to The Family Upstairs and it’s just as good. After a bag of bones is discovered on the banks of the Thames, the police learn that they’re linked to a cold case from thirty years ago. At the same time, Rachel Rimmer learns that her husband, Michael, has been found murdered in their house in France. Lucy Lamb’s brother goes in search of a boy from their past while she is finally finding peace by purchasing her first home. And all of these people find themselves linked to age-old mysteries that will now need to be solved. Lisa Jewell again delivers an intriguing tale of suspense. My rating is 4/5.

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Small Things Like These – by Claire Keegan

This international bestseller is set in a small Irish town in 1985. Bill Furlong is a coal merchant with a family. While delivering coal to the local convent just before Christmas, Bill makes a discovery that forces him to make a decision that will change his life. Beautifully written, this book has had a lasting effect on me. The story softly depicts hope and strength in the face of silent societal pressure concerning certain practices. Small but mighty. My rating is 5/5.

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The Seven Year Slip – by Ashley Poston

This is a love story with a difference. Clementine is staying in her late aunt’s apartment when a man unlocks the door and announces that he’s been invited to stay in the apartment – while Clementine is there. And that’s when it gets interesting. They subsequently fall in love and discover that they’re not living in the same year. Clementine has fallen in love with a man who lived seven years in her past! Yes, it’s an odd concept, but I enjoyed the premise and the storyline unfolded beautifully. My rating is 4/5.

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Broken Light – by Joanne Harris

Bernie Moon is a middle-aged woman who is feeling unappreciated by everyone in her life. When a young woman is killed in her neighbourhood, childhood memories of a long-forgotten talent are reawakened in her. She swore she’d never use it again because she knew the consequences of doing so, but she increasingly felt the need to be seen and appreciated again. This book is slightly fanciful but I related to the midlife experiences that Bernie was feeling and Joanne Harris has a wonderful way of weaving a slightly spiritual story of intrigue. Great story-telling. My rating is 4/5.

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The Woman in Me – by Britney Spears

I was drawn into the constant chatter surrounding this book, and having witnessed Britney’s rise to fame and subsequent meltdown when I was younger, I was interested in reading the story from her perspective. It was indeed a mesmerising read, but it left me feeling miserable about what she endured and how she essentially had to grow up in the public eye, being scrutinised by everybody. My rating is 3/5.

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The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder – by David Grann

I heard about this book from an account I follow online and it immediately piqued my curiosity. I adore historical novels and this one is brilliant. A British ship set sail in 1740 during the imperial war with Spain, chasing a treasure-filled Spanish ship. It went to ground on a desolate island off Patagonia and mayhem broke out. About two years later the first of two groups of survivors made it to safety with tales of heroism. A few months later another group appeared, with a very different story.

Admittedly I struggled to keep track of all the names (of the captains and crew on each of the many ships) at the beginning of this book, but it wasn’t long before I was hooked.  This story of shipwreck, survival and an eventual court case is crafted out of true events. There was so much research put into creating this novel. So if you also enjoy a bit of history and a great story, you’ll love this one. My rating is 5/5.

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The Frozen River – by Ariel Lawhon

And if you don’t know by now that I love a good historical novel, here’s your confirmation. This is another historical novel that was also inspired by true events. Martha Ballard was a well-known 18th-century midwife whose remarkable life, sheer strength and determination (documented in her diary) earned her recognition in American history.

Her diary is a record of every birth, death, crime and major event in her community in Maine around 1789. When the dead body of a man is discovered in the river, the local midwife and healer, Martha, is called to examine the body. Martha determines the death suspicious for numerous reasons. The dead man had also previously been accused of rape. However, the local male physician claims the death was accidental. Martha then decides to investigate matters herself, refusing to give in during a time when women’s opinions were not valued. Loved this one. My rating is 5/5.

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First Lie Wins – by Ashley Elston

Evie Porter is working a job. She has been given an identity, a location and a mark. Everything is going according to plan and she’s gathering information as instructed, when someone with HER REAL IDENTITY appears in town. This is a fun, twisty con artist story that’ll keep you riveted. My rating is 4/5.

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The Hunter – by Tana French

I’ve read (and enjoyed) most of Tana French’s books and this one is also fabulous. The Searcher is the first book in the Cal Hooper series and is also worth a read. I would say you don’t have to have read the first one before reading this one, but it does help.

Cal Hooper is a retired Chicago PD who moved to a small, rural village in the west of Ireland. He moved there looking for a peaceful life but then that peace is interrupted. Two men arrive in town, looking for gold and trouble. Tana French is so good at creating interesting characters in her stories and she builds an intriguing story that had me tapping my Kindle screen well into the night. My rating is 5/5.

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Strange Sally Diamond – by Liz Nugent

Sally Diamond did as her father told her and put him out with the rubbish when he died. And now she’s in big trouble and everyone is worried. After her father’s death, Sally, previously a recluse, is forced to go out into the world, meet people and live a very different life than she did before. This change triggers a few memories from her past and then she gets a message from a stranger who seems to know more about her past than she does.

Be warned – this book may not be for sensitive readers. It contains some dark subject matter and can be quite disturbing. But it’s incredibly well-written, has some interesting characters and the twists and turns never stop. It certainly leaves an impression. My rating is 5/5.

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Have you read any of these? Are there any that you’d like to read?



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  1. Leigh Hobson
    May 26, 2024 / 5:51 am

    Gosh – you’ve read so much. I haven’t done much at all and what I have read I can’t remember.

    • Bianca
      May 26, 2024 / 8:38 am

      😳😂 So many books, too little time. Have you tried audiobooks yet? I want to try one again soon.

  2. Linda
    May 27, 2024 / 6:42 am

    Wow!! That’s quite a book list!!…. Good on you for getting thru 15 in this quarter, would love that!!…. Thanks for the list and inspiration to read more….. Am currently reading Lola in the Mirror and LOVING it!!!

    • Bianca
      May 27, 2024 / 8:54 am

      Yay! That book is so good. 👏🏼

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