Well, guys, this is the 6th and last “Weird and Wonderful Midlife Interview” I’ll be sharing on the blog. Thanks again to all the amazing women who have participated in this interview series. I loved reading about all of your midlife experiences so far and I’m sure all of my readers have enjoyed following along.
I might do another midlife interview series in future (with different questions), so if you’d like to participate in that, please hit the contact button and let me know.
And now for the 6th midlife interview. Today we’ve got my fabulous friend, Shelley, sharing her experiences with us:
Hi Shelley. How old are you?
49 and ¾!!!!
When did you start feeling ‘middle-aged’? Was it sudden or gradual? Or don’t you feel the part yet?
Are you single/married/separated/divorced/widowed? (You can elaborate if you want to, eg. Married for 20 years/recently divorced or widowed etc.)
Do you have children? Do they still live at home? Have they moved out already?
How do you feel about empty nesting? (Present or future. Is it something you’re dreading or welcoming?)
Do you work? Full-time/Part-time? Are you a SAHM? Retired?
Do you exercise regularly?
If so, what do you do and how regularly do you exercise? If not, do you want to?
I run, cycle, do pilates and walk A LOT. Pilates is ESSENTIAL as far as I’m concerned.
I’d love to get back into yoga very soon.
Do you have any menopause symptoms?
I don’t think so.
Do you have any midlife ailments? eg. Failing eyesight, memory loss, hair loss/growth etc.
Eyes definitely not what they used to be – frustrating! And the memory is also “dodgy” – but I think in my case it’s possibly the lack of “exercise” and practise… (I stopped working for many years to be a stay at home mom).
What is your top health tip? eg. Magnesium, aromatherapy oils, exercising, mindfulness, diet etc.
Mmmm – don’t take any supplements….know that I should! And I pretty much eat what I like….and LOVE my wine – but again – maybe I’m lucky with the gene pool that I was gifted! But exercise is a must as far as I am concerned.
What’s the best aspect of being middle-aged (in your opinion)? eg. Feeling more self-assured.
Definitely feeling more self-assured and less inclined to be influenced by others or popular opinion! Having grown up children is also wonderful!
What’s the worst aspect of being middle-aged (in your opinion)? eg. Loneliness and a loss of purpose. And what do you do to combat those aspects?
Is travelling an important option in your midlife? Or are you more of a homebody?
Where is the best place/destination that you’ve visited?
Italy has to be my favourite country….. but the Greek Islands (the less touristy ones) are pretty special too. Barcelona and Prague are right up there as a few of my favourite cities. Cycling holidays are THE BEST! So we will be doing those as long as we are fit and able.
What is your most treasured leisure activity?
Walking on the beach!
What is your best style/fashion tip for middle-agers?
Mmmmm – I’m not particularly stylish or fashion aware….. so probably best for me to abstain from this one. 😊
What is your best skin care product?
LOVE my Decleor facial serum!
What is your best make-up product?
Don’t wear much makeup at all…..
What is your daily makeup routine?
See question above – au naturale……..
Surgical age-defying techniques or grow old naturally?
Deffo grow old naturally.
Go grey or dye your hair?
I dye the few greys I have. 😊
Do you have any book/movie/podcast recommendations about midlife?
No sorry…..
Do you have any regrets in life?
Not really – although I would have loved to spend more time with my grandparents. And given my time again I would probably have kept my profession ticking over somehow while raising children. I am finding it very tough getting back into a professional workplace after such a long break (14 years!).
What advice would you give to other middle-aged women?
I am a fairly A-type personality who likes to be “in control” and “on top” of most things. Recently I have found myself “letting go” of quite a few things (kids lives and home admin to name a few) – possibly as a result of changing countries and all the changes associated with that…. and after the initial “panic” it feels pretty good! I’d recommend it. 😊
What is your main goal at the moment?
Do you feel happy on your midlife journey so far? Or do you feel as if you’re going through a crisis?
No crisis here. 😊 I am content with how life and my body is treating me at the moment.
What do you still want to achieve in life?
Heaps more travel, a home of my own in this new country, a creative skill (oil painting or crochet – or both) and a satisfying means of earning a few dollars on a part-time basis! 😊
Any other comments you’d like to add?
Bianca – you are amazing – love your work, special friend!
Thank you, Shelley!
Well, I hope you’ve all enjoyed this 6th Midlife Interview today. Let me know whether you’d like to participate in my next Interview Series and I’ll be sure to email you when that is up and running.
Thanks again to all of my previous participants. You can read those interviews here: One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels
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