Hi. It’s Friday and that means it’s Bits and Bobs time again. (Okay, sometimes it comes out on Saturdays! And yes, okay, sometimes I miss a week altogether! But hey, it was just that one time! Don’t hold it against me. Hahaha.)
So how have you all been? Did you have a good week? Mine was pretty mellow. Last weekend we went to watch the most amazing movie which I’ll tell you about in my Five Favourites post on Monday. So good.
Anyway, I’ve found some exciting articles for you this week, (and a couple of other things) and before I kick off my Friday night (with Netflix and a glass of bubbly), I wanted to share these Bits and Bobs with you:
- A fascinating makeover for someone who wants to show herself and others ”that regardless of age, we are always entitled to expressing how we feel, through style or otherwise, as long as we have the courage to be comfortable in our own skin.” And how you sometimes have to step out of your comfort zone and step into vulnerability, because that’s where you’ll find the change you could be longing for. Cute woman. Cute story.
- I recently played this game while away with my girlfriends and we had so many laughs playing it. Great stocking filler maybe?
- Great take on what you need to know to age beautifully – written by Martha Beck. Food for thought.
- Menopause or midlife crisis? That is the question.
- Looking for a well-priced gold necklace or two? I found this cute one.
Related: Bits and Bobs #9 and Bits and Bobs #10
Featured Photo by Free Creative Stuff from Pexels
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I absolutely needed to read What You Need to Know to Age Beautifully. Thank you for sharing this. I am 51 and seeing some definite changes in my body. Instead of dreading them, I seek information about how to deal with them. The part about western medicine training us that aging = progressive bad health is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. It does not have to be that way. Resist it. Having a sense of humor about the inevitability of changes is crucial and reading this today re-set my brain.
Thank you!
Absolutely! Thank you for your comment. Midlife is turning out to be a happy time of my life, and a healthy, positive mindset goes a long way to ensuring that. I’m so pleased that you got something out of that article. There is so much good stuff out there for us. Have a great day!