Do you need some inspiration to boost your mood in this crazy time of uncertainty? I know I certainly do.
And if you’re feeling anything like I do at the moment (a little down, distracted, without purpose and possibly even slightly anxious), you probably do too. You might even be feeling (like me) that life is precarious and humanity is particularly vulnerable right now.
Did someone say heavy?
And then, all of this got me thinking – is this general feeling of malaise and overwhelm only a result of the state of the world at the moment and how it’s changed our lives? Or could our feelings of overwhelm and sadness be exacerbated by perimenopause? I think we’ve got to remember that going through perimenopause is not easy at the best of times, so throw in a global pandemic and the BLM revolution and you’re almost certainly looking at intensified stress. And that’s why we, as women in midlife, need to make an even greater effort to look after and be kind to ourselves during these dark days.
(And that’s why I’ve come up with this list. Also, as you’re probably beginning to realise, I love a list!)
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So what can we do about our stress levels and feelings of overwhelm, fatigue and distractedness?
Firstly, take care of yourself physically.
- Start with your diet. Are you eating well? Because eating foods that don’t have good nutritional value can make you feel drained, fatigued and lacking in energy. Write a list of what you should be eating and make sure you’re getting those good nutrients into your body. And if cooking is stressing you out, eat simply and possibly take a supplement.
- Are you exercising and getting some fresh air? When I feel overwhelmed, I find that taking a quick walk makes me feel better almost immediately. Don’t add extra pressure on yourself to do an exercise class if you’re not feeling it – because a short walk can work wonders. Pro tip: Call a friend to walk with you and encourage you to get out.
- Are you getting enough sleep? We all know that not getting enough sleep can cause all sorts of ailments, so make an effort to get eight hours of sleep a night so that your body stands a fighting chance to attempt whatever it needs to do every day.
- Are you drinking enough water (and not too much caffeine)? We also know that dehydration can make you feel unwell.
And how else can you make yourself feel better?
Here’s my little list of suggestions to boost your mood!
- Write a to-do list of everything you want to achieve in a day. And include even the smallest things so that when you complete them, you feel like you’re achieving lots! I’ve been working through the Me and White Supremacy book by Layla L. Saad – and I do one chapter a day which is keeping me on track to do the work that I need to do to become more educated about anti-racism. It also makes me feel like I’m achieving some growth and education which is definitely a positivity booster.
- Make a few arrangements to meet up with friends. There is definitely merit in talking to friends about how you’re feeling, what’s going on in your life and what’s happening in the world – so share. Remember, a problem or worry shared is a problem or worry halved. And feeling loved and seen goes a long way to improving your mood too.
Related: How to instantly add happiness to your life
- Write a personal manifesto for your life. Clarify who you want to be. Include your goals, aims, intentions and views. And then work out how you plan to achieve them.
- Simplify your life. Unsubscribe from email lists that do not improve your life and only seem to add to the chaos. You could clean up your contacts list, your Facebook friends list, your Instagram and Twitter following list. You could also delete unnecessary apps and spend some time deleting unwanted photographs from your phone and computer and clearing out your emails.

- Make an upbeat playlist and have a dance party or share it with your friends.
- Cook a delicious meal, set your table beautifully, light some candles, put on that fun playlist and have a simple celebration. Because a celebration is always a great idea and can definitely boost your mood.
- Make some popcorn and watch a good movie.
- Research good causes and donate to a worthy one.
- Write a short note (or long letter) and send snail mail to a friend.
- Get your pamper on – invest in a foot spa and treat your feet. (This is the one I have.)
- Sort through your clothing and accessories and create a capsule wardrobe.
- Satisfy your creativity. Start a blog. Or try your hand at painting or something similar – to get your creative juices flowing.
- Bake something – have you ever wondered why everyone is baking so much during this lockdown? (Um, because not only is it therapeutic, but you’re rewarded with a treat at the end?)
- Have something to look forward to – plan a weekend away or organise a small get-together (all within the lockdown rules in your country, obvs).
You might also want to read: 7 fun things to do during isolation
We all need to make an effort to find happiness and purpose in our lives and boost our mood during this time. I hope you are all keeping well and sane, and managing to find moments of joy despite the state of our world at the moment.
PS If you have any other ideas for finding joy and staying upbeat, please share below. x
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