Instagram is the social media platform where I spend most of my free time. BY FAR. In fact, I’m somewhat embarrassed by how much time I actually spend over there (iPhone Screen Time, you’re killing me). How about you? Do you also love Instagram?
I mean, what’s a girl to do? It’s human nature to routinely check out everyone’s pretty pictures. Isn’t it?!

The other day someone DM’d me to say that she loved my Instagram profile and that she thought I should have many more followers than I currently have. And I was like, “Preach, sister!” Just kidding. 😉 To me, the number of followers I have isn’t as important as the engagement people have with my photos. But who I’m following? Well, that’s another story.
I follow a few celebrities (I mean, who doesn’t?), but for the most part, I tend to keep my following list pretty well curated (with the odd bit of tweaking every now and then) and not too extensive because the people I follow must add value to my life in some way and I want to have a life outside of Instagram too!
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Anyway, I follow some awesome people who keep me pretty well entertained and informed (check my following list), but today I wanted to share a few Midlife Instagrammers that I follow and love:
5 Fun Instagrammers You’ll Want to Follow Today
Kat Farmer is a British fashion blogger who is also a very active and popular Instagrammer. She has a great sense of humour, is quite self-deprecating and tells it like it is with a vulnerability that endears herself to her many followers. I recommend following her to pick up some great fashion tips for our age group, but also to enjoy her fun personality.
This midlife account covers travel, well-being, fashion and lifestyle. It’s regularly updated with inspirational and informative photos. The Instagrammers who run this account are former women’s magazine directors and their expertise is evident in their approach to this tightly-niched account. I love the positivity about middle-age that comes through so strongly in all of their posts because it leaves you feeling super upbeat.
Going grey? Well then, this one’s for you. This account is about the ‘radical celebration of the natural phenomenon of grey hair’. You can even submit a photo of you and your greying hair to be considered for their profile page.
Jenn Lovin is a Seattle stylist who posts photos about style, beauty, travel and fitness. I often find myself very drawn to her clothing choices and the looks she puts together. And who doesn’t need some inspiration every now and then, especially at our age? At 41 Jenn presents some great looks that are both gorgeous and attainable.
I love Trinny’s energy and sometimes wacky fashion sense. While she does often have some unusual fashion tips, I especially love her beauty roundups and recommendations. That’s my jam. And if I’m honest, I find Trinny fascinating to watch.

And here’s a bonus suggestion for someone to follow on Instagram – me! If you enjoy following lifestyle profiles, you can find me at Bianca Swanepoel. I post photos of Auckland (our hometown), my family, our travels and general photos of my life. (You can see some of my photos at the bottom of this page.) I’d love to connect with you guys – see you there!
Save on Pinterest for later:
How about you? Who do you absolutely adore following on Instagram? Anybody that you’d like to recommend to us midlifers?
Featured Photo by Maria Shanina on Unsplash
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