10 Instagram accounts that women in midlife will love. (I know I do.)

Instagram accounts for women in midlife

Here are 10 Instagram accounts for women in midlife that have helped me enjoy social media.

You see, I’ve been feeling disillusioned about social media lately, specifically Instagram because that’s where I spend most of my social media time. It’s probably because I follow too many accounts and it’s overwhelming to keep up with everyone posting so much content.

And with engagement levels being all over the place (views are down, follows are stagnant, everyone seems to be scrolling without liking or commenting), the general feeling out there seems to be that people are growing weary of the endless content that they’re consuming.

We seem to have lost the real reason for “social” media – the connecting bit.

So why, then, am I making suggestions to add to your following list and further overwhelm you? (Because of course, the obvious solution is to follow fewer accounts, or cut back on your scrolling time.)

Well yes, like me, you may need to cull some accounts, or if that seems a bit extreme, at least mute them for a while. But during a recent cleanout, I realised that the quality of your follows is most important. While inspiration always has its place, I find that I get the most out of accounts which offer practical help, some humour and good Stories.

So if you’re feeling disillusioned with social media, I’m here to recommend that you – take back your life, happiness and social media enjoyment! Only surround yourself with people, things and accounts that make you happy and feed your soul.

And on that note, may I offer you these Instagram accounts that may inject some goodness into your world and appeal to you as a woman in midlife. I definitely get excited when posts from these accounts land in my feed.

The Midlife Book Club – Katie Fogarty from acertainagepodcast has started a second podcast – this time “for readers with readers”. According to her Instagram bio, this new podcast centers on midlife stories and voices. And this Instagram account will keep you updated with the authors she interviews and the books she features. I don’t know about you, but I love reading about women my age.

Erica Davies is a fashion editor, stylist and author with a fun, lively style. Her smile alone can brighten your day! I love seeing how she puts her outfits together and how she’s dealing with her ageing parents. This is a happy follow for me.

hbpilates – As a naturally ‘lazy’ person, I find Jillian Hardwick’s Instagram posts very accessible. Her posts are quick and easy to follow and I’m always excited to see a new post from her. Her Instagram bio says “age gracefully with pilates and strength training” and that’s exactly what I need.

buttonsandblazers – Sam Williams shows exactly how to put outfits together (for those of us who need some help and inspiration) and I’m here for it. I love that she shows what’s in store right now so you know where to find her pieces. I tend to save her posts to my folders as she lives in the Northern Hemisphere so the timing is a bit off for me. Although the Autumn/Spring cross-over can still work.

Martijn.nugteren – And for the bird lovers out there – this account is BEAUTIFUL. This photographer has set up a camera at a little watering hole and captures the visits from a diverse range of birds and other creatures. This is such a calming account to follow, a palate cleanser, if you like.


Related: 40 Instagram accounts that are super informative for middle-aged women


ageismisneverinstyle – This is an “award-winning global age-inclusive & age-positive community, campaign and consultancy”, believing that ageing is a privilege, not a punishment. This account features women (and men) in midlife and beyond, and I love it because I feel it’s important to see overselves represented in society. They highlight people our age and exciting things they’re doing.

whatthemenopause – Jessica Barac, a registered nutritionist, educates us about menopause weight gain and how to feel vibrant in midlife. You may think that those are potentially negative topics that will bring you down or make you feel guilty, but Jessica uses humour and engaging posts to educate in a fun, upbeat way.

weareageist – This account will keep you up to date with all the midlife happenings. It features mostly celebrities or well-known midlife experts and keeps things light and relevant. Spot on when it comes to inspiration and it makes you feel seen and heard.

menopausedietplanMenopause dietitians, Elizabeth Ward and Hillary Wright have a great rapport and provide science-based, no-nonsense information about lifestyle and eating during midlife. I learn a lot through their posts and they always leave me feeling hopeful and like I’ve got this.

drsophieshotter – Dr Sophie Shotter has two clinics in the UK – in Kent and London. She’s a well-respected aesthetic doctor who offers clear advice about all things related to skin, aesthetics and hormones. I feel confident that the information that she provides is sound and her posts leave me feeling well-informed.

And those are the 10 Instagram accounts that I think women in midlife will enjoy. Do you follow any of these accounts already? (If so, I’d love to know which ones.)

And how are you feeling about social media at the moment? Not too bothered? Or bored and disillusioned? Let me know in the comments.




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