I’m 50 and this is my morning routine at the moment

morning routine

I adore reading morning routine posts because I find it endlessly fascinating to see what other people do every morning and what products they use. Sometimes I even pick up some great life-improving tips and find awesome new products to try out. So I thought I’d do one of these posts on my blog too. I hope you love reading about morning routines as much as I do!

Okay, kicking right off… 

6.30 am: My alarm clock goes off at this time every weekday morning and the first thing I do is drink a glass of water and have my vitamin A & D supplement. (I love getting up early, and relish my quiet, alone time before the rest of my family gets up.) Next, I head downstairs, take my Lypo-Spheric vitamin C supplement shot and make coffee for my husband and myself.

Our dog, Bailey is hovering around for her treat at this point. So I oblige her and open the sliding doors to let her out and the fresh air in.

Next up is school lunch prep. Yes, my 15-year-old could make his own school lunch, but the truth is, I secretly enjoy doing it. Mostly because I realise how quickly time flies and that it won’t be long before this phase is over (like it was for my girls). It also allows me to make sure he is getting some healthy options in that lunchbox which is a win!

7.00 am: After I’ve waved goodbye to my husband and son, I whip up my favourite anti-ageing smoothie, empty the dishwashers and load the washing machine before heading back upstairs.

I love waking up early because it allows me to get so much done and organized before my day begins.

I then check my emails and get down to some writing. This practice of less scrolling and more writing is a recent addition to my morning routine. I used to spend most of my time reading other people’s blogs and not writing my own, so I decided to change things up.

<<< Three times a week I do some form of exercise – alternating between beach walks, road walks and aqua jogging classes. I slot that in before my shower, continuing my routine on my return. >>>

8.00 am: Then it’s time for a shower. When I remember, I use my dry brush before hopping in. This is also a relatively new addition to my morning routine. I’ve always known about dry brushing, but after reading an article about why it’s so great for you, I decided to start using one. It leaves my skin feeling smooth and revitalised.

I use my face wash with my FOREO LUNA fofo in the shower. (I use a few different cleansers depending on what my skin is needing.)

morning routine

8.15 am: I layer on my skincare. First up is my vitamin c serum, then my plumping serum, then my niacinamide and lastly my moisturizer if my skin needs it. I use this body lotion which leaves my body feeling smooth and hydrated. And it seems to last the whole day.

8.30 am: I make my bed and get dressed. Every third day I use my NuFACE Facial Toning Device before applying my makeup.

8.45 am: I apply my BFF Cream – a skin perfector with SPF 30, my brow gel, a quick swish of mascara and lipstick and I’m done. If I’m going out somewhere I might also apply a little foundation, but nowadays I don’t tend to use as much makeup as I used to.

And that’s my morning routine. Oh, and maybe a slice of toast. So what does yours look like? I’d love to hear about any amazing practices or products you love and couldn’t do without.

Please note: If you buy anything through any of the links in this post, I may earn an affiliate commission. This is at no extra cost to you. And I only recommend products that I love and would use myself. I appreciate your support.

Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem from Pexels

This post may contain affiliate links - if you buy something through these links, I may earn a small affiliate commission, at no extra cost to you. I only feature things I truly love. Thanks for your support.

