ICYMI – The Midlife Edition 2

Catching up on information - ICYMI - The Midlife Edition 2

Yes, it’s time for ICYMI – The Midlife Edition 2. Here are some interesting (and positive) things you may have missed on the internet lately.

Dr Lisa Mosconi recently published new research data about estrogen in the brain. The paper was published in Nature and is an exciting development in women’s health.

If you find the Nature article too complicated, this article in Weill Cornell Medicine is more accessible – Scans show brain’s estrogen activity changes during menopause.

And if you want even more clarity about these new findings, Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper explains it plainly in this great article, including an interview with Dr Mosconi.

Here’s another great interview on the subject:

And if you’re wondering who Dr Mary Claire Haver is. She’s an OBGYN who helps women age well and has a new NYT Bestseller: The New Menopause.


Related: ICYMI – The Midlife Edition 1


How are you dealing with empty nest syndrome? (The Independent)

What IS the difference between chemical and mineral SPF? (The Tweakments Guide)

Here’s a low-impact workout that will get your heart rate up. (Self)

In case you’re struggling to fall asleep, here are 20 Simple ways to fall asleep fast. (Healthline)

Welcome to Perimenopause – it doesn’t have to be hell. (Vogue)

What is a content creator anyway? “Curation is being able to filter the noise,” says Andrea Hernández, a newsletter and social media account owner who curates in the food and beverage space. (The NewYorker)


I hope you enjoyed this month’s ICYMI – The Midlife Edition 2. See you next month with another instalment.


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  1. Grant Swanepoel
    July 10, 2024 / 9:18 am

    Always good to keep a balance of good news and the rest.

    • Bianca
      July 10, 2024 / 9:42 am

      Most definitely. 💯

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