January is the “get organised” month, right?
Well, quite recently, I came across a book called Life Styled by Shira Gill. And because I knew I desperately needed to declutter my home and my life, it appealed to the inner organisation queen in me, so I bought it immediately. (I also love the book’s simple, clean cover.)
After finishing that book, I felt incredibly inspired. Soon after, I bought her two other books, Minimalista and Organised Living. And now I’m a total fan of Shira Gill!
But seriously, her books and how she thinks about clutter have changed my life.
Her first book, Minimalista, is my favourite of her books. It outlines the concept of decluttering in a few simple, clever steps (her 5-step process, to be exact) and then helps you as you use the method throughout your home. If you want to declutter your home, I’d recommend starting with this book.
Her second book, Organised Living, details the decluttering tips of a range of organisers from around the world. It was fascinating to see how many similarities there are between all good organisers. I picked up so many more good tips to use in my home.
Her third (and latest) book, Life Styled, is essentially a guide to living a more organised and intentional life. This book not only covers the decluttering of your home. It also has chapters about decluttering and organising your Health & Wellness, Relationships & Community, Career & Finance and Personal Development.
It’s helpful in that it’ll show you great ways to simplify your online clutter (emails, photos, etc.), clarify your intentions in your relationships and your career, and so much more.
Immediately after reading all of her books, I set my intentions for all the aspects of my life.
And then I started decluttering!
You may also want to read: 7 Clever Ways I’m Getting Organised this January
Getting organised 101
I’m methodically making my way around my home and life, one drawer, wardrobe, room, file and folder at a time. Yes, it’s exhausting. Yes, I’ve been holding onto so many unnecessary items. But it’s also invigorating, and I feel increasingly unburdened as I finish each task.
Why do we consume so much STUFF?!
Of course, I’ve got a long way to go before I get my home and life to be exactly how I want it to be. But it feels good to have started.
Although I’ve been ruthless (yet conscientious) in donating, recycling and throwing away, I realise that I will have to continue doing this exercise until I get to the ideal place I want to be with all my belongings.
Also, knowing that we’ll be downsizing soon(ish) makes this work even more important. But even if we weren’t, it’s a fantastic way to start the year.
Do you start your year with a reorganising overhaul too? If so, I’d love to hear any of your organising tips in the comments.
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As long as you don’t declutter your husband